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Master Maths & Science for Grades 6-9

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Enhance Your Learning Experience with Our Key Features.

Our platform offers interactive tools and intuitive resources to empower educators and students alike.

Extensive Video Library in Mathematics and Science

Access over 1,350 engaging videos designed for students in classes 6th to 8th, with plans to expand to class 10th.

Test Your Knowledge with Interactive Quizzes

Enhance your learning and self-assessment with our live quiz and questionnaire sections.

Ad-Free, Focused Learning Environment

Enjoy uninterrupted learning with our commitment to a distraction-free platform. .

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Comprehensive Question Bank with Solutions

Free access to a vast library of educational materials to complement your classroom learning .

High-Quality PDF Notes

Access richly illustrated notes with graphics and animations, available for each topic.

Watch Experiments, Explore Concepts

Potential to enhance the overall learning experience for students, especially those in need of additional support.

Join Vidya Mine Today and Transform Your Learning Experience.

Frequently Asked Queries

A: You can create an account by downloading the app and signing up using your email address or contact number. A simple verification process will follow to complete registration.

A: The app provides structured learning materials organized by subject and topic. You can watch lecture videos, participate in interactive activities, solve exercises, and take quizzes to reinforce your understanding and track your progress.

A: Our app currently offers comprehensive lessons in Mathematics and Science for students from grades 6th to 10th and the content for class 10th is in progress. Each subject includes lecture videos, activity demonstrations, exercise explanations, and topic-wise quizzes.

A: Lecture videos are designed to cover essential concepts in each topic, explained in a clear, step-by-step manner. These videos are tailored to make difficult concepts easy to understand and are aligned with standard curricula.

A: Activity videos provide hands-on demonstrations related to the topic, showing experiments, real-life examples, and problem-solving approaches. These videos help reinforce theoretical concepts through practical application.

A: If you’re having trouble, please try restarting the app or checking for updates. or regarding content If the issue persists, contact our support team through the email address or Contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.


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A-4-B,Budh Vihar, Mandoli Extension.
East-Delhi, Delhi-110093

Phone: +917678321484

Request a demo: 7678321484